Total Return Fund
The objective of Rockwater Total Return Fund is to consistently outperform the equity index while minimizing drawdown, allowing investor capital to grow and compound over time. This is achieved by combining non-correlated investment strategies that capitalize on well documented market anomalies, and then implemented through systematic and rule-based approaches.
our Key Principles:
To enhance risk adjusted returns, diversification is the only free strategy in investing. Total Return Fund provides exposure across diverse asset classes, with a specific emphasis on equities and fixed income.
Active Management (Alpha)
Active Management
We believe that markets are not efficient and that human bias (fear and greed) create opportunities to amplify returns regardless of the market environment. The Fund capitalizes on these inefficiencies using a quantitative approach, effectively eliminating human and emotional factors. The strategies at the core are rule-based and have undergone rigorous historical testing across multiple market cycles.
Reducing Risk
Reducing Risk
Operating without constraints, the Fund possesses the flexibility to adopt both long and short positions across various asset classes depending on market conditions and systematic approach of the underlying investment strategies. Consequently, The Fund generates non-correlated returns even in times of significant market stress, thereby safeguarding client capital against periods of equity market vulnerability.
Combining the principles of diversification, alpha creation, and uncorrelated strategies culminates minimizing drawdown and amplifying returns. This dynamic synergy empowers capital to compound significantly over time, presenting a distinct advantage over traditional buy-and-hold investment approaches.
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